Dance box two (2007) - 2'45''

Dance box one (2007) - 3'

Lames, Chemins, Traverses (2005-2007) - 19'21"

Le chant du muezzin I (2000-2002) - 10'52"
Premiered at the Forum du Blanc-Mesnil, june 2003

Etude des mouettes (2000) - 7'
Premiered at the Maison de la musique Nanterre , june 2000.

La Vie Aménagée (1997) - 2'
Co-composed with Philippe Vernier.
Commissioned by the Compagnie Alain Germain for the 250th anniversary of "Les Ponts et Chaussées".
Premiered at the « Hotel de Rohan », Paris France, april 1997
Selected by "60X60, Vox Novus" (New-York) in 2007
Recorded on the CD "60X60 Vox Novus 2006/2007"